three inclements (the ocean does not mean to be listened to)
[Consumer Waste (CW13), cdr, edition of 100, released June 2014.]

the new zealand storm petrel
[Flaming Pines, Birds of a Feather series. 3" CD, edition of 100, released December 2013.]
[with Samuel Rodgers, Recorded 19 October 2015 at SARU, Oxford Brookes University, UK. released by Compost and Height, 2017]
at home
[with moth (Jon Dale), Recorded 15 July 2014 in Brunswick, Melbourne. self released.]
if witness was an architect
[live duo improvisation with Lee Noyes at Dunedin Public Art Gallery, January 2011. Idealstate Recordings, no number series. online release, October 2013.]
to orient themselves with coastlines
[collaboration with Lee Noyes. Idealstate Recordings (ISR 2-12), cdr, edition of 100, released January 2012.]
[track: untitled no. 3 'study for territorial warnings (a bird of fire, a bird of air, a bird of dust),' on v/a compilation, response to a score by TMN, SARU, double cd. release date: 8 March 2018.]
“...a poetic diagram is not simply a drawing. It may find a way to integrate the hesitations and ambiguities which alone can free us from realism, allow us to dream.” - Gaston Bachelard
medium: paranormal field recordings and compositions 1901-2017
[track: 'collected huia notations (like shells on the shore where the sea of living memory has receded)' on v/a compilation, audio component to the exhibition Medium at the Zuckerman Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., August 29 - December 3, 2017.]
another kind of language
[track: 'for shoring up the past, as though with timber' on v/a compilation, tribute to the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, and/Oar (and/44), double cd. release date: 18 October 2015.]
v-p v-f is v-n double [field]
[track : 'waiorua rotations' (14'31) on v/a compilation of field recordings, Winds Measure (wm30), edition of 230, double cdr. release date: 5 November 2012.]
a quiet position : locale edition
[track : attempt at the non-linearity of a nest #4 (11'12"), on v/a compilation, Impulsive Habitat (iHab049), online release, 2012.]
somewhere on the edge
[track : 'folding a coastline into a shipwrecked space (untitled kapiti recording 31/3/2012)' (12'28) on v/a compilation, Gruenrekorder (Gruen100), online release. release date: 2 April 2012.]
new botany
[album by Sandoz Lab Technicians. guest artist on track: "Demon Ridge". double LP. label: Knotwilg (Belgium) [KW02]. release date: 14 May 2016.]
wild horses think of nothing else the sea: tape readings edition.
[v/a compilation of spoken word readings. text by Patrick Farmer (published Compost and Height, 2013). double cassette, label: Winds Measure [WM45]. release date: 2 May 2016]
crude transactions
[track: 'childchoirchchlordsprayer2' (4'11), compilation of collaborations with Crude (Matt Middleton), Artless Intent, double cdr, release date: 3 March 2011.]
CD which accompanied the 2002 exhibition I curated for The Physics Room Contemporary Art Space, Christchurch, in collaboration with the Radio National radio programme Revolutions Per Minute.
new audio works were developed for the project by six artists: Philharmonic / Richard Francis / John McCallum / R a d i o q u a l i a / Rachel Shearer / Wendyhouse.
the CD, including all of the commissioned works, and my catalogue essay, is available from the Physics Room Contemporary Art Space