Upcoming, dates TBC: Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio (MESS) 2025 Local Artist in Residence.
Upcoming, March, date TBC: performance of THE NINTH TONE: Speculations on a Chinese Australian sonic history, Bendigo Goldfields Museum. Project developed in collaboration with Jasmin Wing-lin Yeung, produced by Speak Percussion, funded by The City of Melbourne, and Creative Australia. Performers: Jasmin Wing-Yin Leung, Sally Ann McIntyre, Mindy Meng Wang, Kaylie Melville.
Upcoming, late April/May: Radio Art Workshop, George Paton Gallery/Arts Lab, University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU).
Upcoming 16-20 July: Sounding hidden waterways, collaborative exhibition with Carly Fischer, BLINDSIDE (Naarm/Melbourne).
Upcoming, June 2025–January 2026: Memo. Remembering the Future, exhibition curated by d-o-t-s (Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts), at Fondation Martell (Cognac, France); touring to CID Grand-Hornu (Hornu, Belgium), March-September 2026.
December 1: performance of THE NINTH TONE: Speculations on a Chinese Australian sonic history 7pm, Museum of Chinese Australian History, 22 Cohen Pl, Melbourne. Developed in collaboration with Jasmin Wing-lin Yeung, produced by Speak Percussion, funded by The City of Melbourne, and Creative Australia. Performers: Jasmin Wing-Yin Leung, Sally Ann McIntyre, Mindy Meng Wang, Kaylie Melville.
January 14: broadcast of feature documentary Sterbende Welt redux: field notebook for a failed nature documentary (for Andreas Reischek). commissioned by ORF Kunstradio (Austria)
November 10: radio cegeste performance, part of the cords and wires, whistling in wind series curated by Josten Myburgh (Tone List) for the Fremantle Biennale, WA.
November 2: Making Amidst Extinction symposium, Centre for Environmental Humanities at the University of Bristol. I'm on a panel themed around sound art and extinction, talking about practice, failing to listen to lost species through obsolete technology & my recent project for the Pyramid Club, Post-extinction huia soundings, Te Whanganui-a-Tara 1912-1924 (moments of history torn away from the movement of history, then returned; no longer quite life, not yet death). Online at 9:30am BST / 7:30pm AEDT.
October 29: radio cegeste performance, Humming Grotto (Sydney)
October 22: radio cegeste performance, Longplay, Naarm/Melbourne.
July 26-August 18: Works for Disasters, an incomplete archive 2011-2021, exhibition at Seventh Gallery (Naarm/Melbourne), with Campbell Walker.
24 June-29 July: Post-extinction huia soundings, Te Whanganui-a-Tara 1912-1924 (moments of history torn away from the movement of history, then returned; no longer quite life, not yet death), solo exhibition at The Pyramid Club, Poneke Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.
February 13: Twin signals at Silver Stream (fragments of a landscape for specimens #50766 & #50767), commissioned for The Pyramid Club series of experimental music and sonic arts podcasts, Wellington, NZ.
March 6-18: a new reworking of study for a data deficient species (grey ghost transmission) for installation in the central exhibition at the Audiograft Festival, at Oxford Brookes University, UK, organised by the Sonic Arts Research Unit (SARU). with Kathy Hinde, Simon Blackmore and Sarah Hughes.
November 6: recorded edit of the installation work study for a data deficient species (grey ghost transmission), programmed within Radiophrenia 2017, a temporary project station for radio art, broadcasting 24 hours a day from 6 - 19 November, out of Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts.
November 4: in-absentia (live transmission) premiere performance of a Deaf Cinema for Thylacinus cynocephalus in Sonic Systematics, event across various spaces at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, part of the Hobiennale festival, Hobart, Tas.
November 3-12: invited artist for the curatorial transmission project Radio 33, a micro-broadcasting station and ephemeral gallery space curated by Tricky Walsh to foreground sound-based artworks by women and non-binary artists, propagated emergency broadcast style - 24 hours a day. part of the Hobiennale festival, Hobart, Tas.
October 5-17: artist in residence in the TCotA AiR (Tasmanian College of the Arts Artist in Residence) program, School of Creative Arts, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
June 22-25: one of 10 participants in a collaborative group retreat for women working in sound art hosted by Sisters Akousmatica (Pip Stafford and Julia Drouhin), in Lisdillon, Tasmania, Australia.
June 9-23: work included in Outposts, group radio/sound art exhibition curated by Brendan Walls, in the Long Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre, as part of the Dark Mofo 2017 festival, in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, alongside Peter Blamey (syd), Pip Stafford (tas), Eden Meure (tas), and Robert Ashley (usa).
May 6: a new live collaboration with Mark Harwood, for the event Liar Lyre, which saw sound artists, poets, experimental geographers and others re-soundtracking nature documentaries, at the Wellcome Collection, London, as part of the preliminary live programmes for the exhibition A Museum of Modern Nature.
March 3: 'a lagoon considered against its archival image' included in Short Waves / Long Distance – an open call for works exploring the sonics of the shortwave radio spectrum (2-30 mHz), and the experience of long distance listening. It was one of 15 works selected for inclusion in the Short Waves / Long Distance program in association with the North American Shortwave Association and Wave Farm. broadcast during the Shortwave Shindig held at the Winter SWLFest, and also broadcast live worldwide on shortwave 11pm-1 am EDT/0300-0600 UTC on 6855 khz via WRMI, and on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM.
Feb 18: in-studio performance and interview with Michael Smith, host of the programme Let Your Freak Flag Fly, airing 5:30 - 7:00pm on Melbourne community radio station 3CR 855AM, Melbourne, Australia.
Feb 12: Performing at Quiet Noise VI, annual house/backyard show challenging experimental/noise performers to play without amplification, curated by Clinton Green, Melbourne, Australia.
Feb 04-05: Performing as part of Soundout 2017 International festival of Free improvisation, Free Jazz and Experimental Musics, Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra, Australia.
Dec 30: Premiere of radio feature In Prototype Days: Sounds and Stories from the Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania, experimental documentary exploring a Hobart-based Museum focusing on the history of sound and radio technologies, commissioned by Creative Audio Unit for Soundproof on Radio National, Australia.
Nov 04: Performance of Hundreds of Simultaneous Shorelines, with Johnny Chang, part of Bending the Waves, Radio as Instrument 1, at Ausland, Berlin, simulcast live to Reboot FM. also performing: Dinah Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult.
Oct 27-28: Panelist on round-table 2: Alternative Radio Practices and Spatializations, at Radio Space is the Place conference, part of Radio Revolten International Radio Art Festival, Halle (Saale) Germany. With Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman, Udo Noll, Anna Ramos, Roberto Paci Dalo, moderated by Elisabeth Zimmerman.
Oct 19: I presented a live radio slot called The Bird Sings with Its Fingers, covering historic birdsong records and discussion of bird-human, human-bird and bird-bird imitation, with examples of 78rpm recordings from my collection played live from a gramophone in the studio, for Radio Revolten Radio, 99.3FM Halle, 1575AM/MW all over Europe, and live streamed online. it can still be heard here.
Oct 2-30: the new radiophonic work study for a data deficient species (grey ghost transmission), commissioned for Radio Revolten International Radio Art Festival, Halle (Saale) Germany, is exhibited together with Collected Silences for Lord Rothschild, and Modified Radio Memorial (a fissure in the line of a public silence) in the exhibition Das Große Rauschen: The Metamorphosis of Radio, curated by Anna Friz. the exhibition also features Steve Bates (ca/qc), DinahBird and Jean-Philippe Renoult (fr), Golo Föllmer and friends (de), Fernando Godoy M and Rodrigo Ríos Zunino (cl), Jeff Kolar (us), Emmanuel Madan (ca/qc), Kristen Roos (ca), and Maia Urstad (no).
Aug 18: Garden Aria / a Library for the Birds of Ōtepoti rebroadcast within the 2016 programming of Le JRM (Le Jardin des Recherches Musicales) Dinah Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult's site specific micro FM radio art mini festival, Paris.
Jul 18: an afternoon leading a transmitter building workshop for ten people, as part of the BYO Battery series, curated by Charlotte Parallel for The Anteroom, Port Chalmers, NZ.
Jul 14: Guest speaker, public programme for archival New Zealand sound art exhibition Zombies on the Horizon, curated by Matt Steindl, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
Jul 10-11, "Huia Transcriptions: re-collecting Colonial era witness accounts of extinct birdsong" paper given at Sonic Environments conference, interdisciplinary forum hosted by the Australasian Computer Music Association, the Australian Forum for Acoustic Ecology and NIME 2016 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), at the Queensland Conservatorium, Brisbane, Australia.
Jul 7: Performance at MONO 22, series presented by Room 40, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia. Lawrence English let me crash the night in unadvertised, impromptu fashion, playing before Vanessa Tomlinson and John Chantler.
Jun 22: Performer at Avantwhatever Monthly series, curated by Ben Byrne. The Alderman, Melbourne. with Sabina Maselli and Carmen Chan.
May 8: Performance for Sisters Akousmatica, distributed public radio art event curated and performed in several public locations around the Yarra River by Julia Drouhin and Pip Stafford for Next Wave Festival in association with Liquid Architecture, and simulcast on 3CR 855AM, Melbourne, Australia.
May 7-Jun 6: Three works: Collected Huia Notations (like shells on the shore when the sea of living memory has receded), Collected Silences for Lord Rothschild and Huia Transcriptions, included in the exhibition Ghost Biologies, curated by Eliza Burke, Contemporary Art Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. with Cat Hope, Alicia King, Svenja Kratz, Lynne Roberts-Goodwin.