collected silences for lord rothschild

Collected Silences for Lord Rothschild comprises five recordings of extinct bird silences collected from The Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, via the paranormal research technique of E.V.P (electronic voice phenomenon).

this work expands on Collected Silences for Lord Rothschild, a radio cegeste transmission staged on Kapiti Island in May 2012, in which two of the above recorded silences (Huia, Laughing Owl) were transmitted via Mini FM into the environmental reserve, which was itself created, in a pioneering gesture of governmental recognition of human responsibility for loss of biodiversity, around the time of the extinction of the species in question, but nevertheless did not receive the live specimens destined for it.

one of two works included as part of the exhibition Nature Reserves, at the London gallery GV Art from the 26 July - 14 September, 2013.